Walter van Hauwe: Blockflute Classics 1
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767):
- Partita no. 5 in e minor (from: Die kleine Kammermusik)
- Fantasie no. 8 in e minor
- Sonate in d minor (from: Essercizii Musici)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750):
- Partita in c minor (org. A minor), BWV 1013
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767):
- Sonate in d major (from: Methodische Sonaten)
- Fantasie no. 1 in g major (org. a major)
- Triosonate in b-flat-major (from Essercizii Musici)

Walter van Hauwe: Blockflute Classics 2
Francois Couperin (1668-1773): Le Rossignol-en-amour, g major
Anne Danican-Philidor (1681-1728): Sonate in d minor, Lentement, Fugue, Courante, ? les Notes égales et détachez, Fugue
Jacques Hotteterre (ca. 1680-1762):
- Preludes from L'Art de Preluder (1719), f major, g minor, a minor, b-flat major, c minor, d minor
- Deuxieme Suite in d minor from: Premier Livre de Pièces (1715), Prelude, Allemande, Sarabande, Menuett I-II, Gavotte, Rondeau, Gigue
Charles Dieupart (1680-1740): Sixième Suite in g minor (1705), Ouverture, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, Menuett, Gigue
Francois Couperin (1668-1733): Quatrième Concert Royaux in e/E, Prelude, Allemande, Courante Françoise, Courante italienne, Sarabande, Rigaudon, Forlane

Walter van Hauwe: Blockflute Classics 3
english | |
Godfrey Finger | Ground |
Thomas Tollett | Ground |
Anonymus | Balade |
John Eccles | Ground |
Jacob van Eyck | Pavane Lachrimae |
Johann Schop | Pavane Lachrimae |
dutch | |
Jacob van Eyck | Stil, stil ereis |
Jacob van Eyck | Fantasie & echo |
Jacob van Eyck | Doen Daphne d´over schoone Maeght |
Jacob van Eyck | Wel Jan...& |
italian | |
Giovanni Bassano / Adrian Willaert | Le Rose |
Giovanni Bassano | Ricercata |
Giovanni Bassano | Susanne ung jour |
Girolamo Frescobaldi | Canzona |
Aurelio Virgiliano | Ricercata |
Dario Castello | Sonata seconda |

Walter van Hauwe: Blockflute classics 4
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)(...)
- Sonata no. III, g major from ll pastor fido (R.V: 54-59) arrangement for soprano recorder in d, harpsichord and violoncello
- Sonata no. VI, g minor from ll pastor fido ( R:V: 54-59) alto recorder in f, baroque bassoon and organ
- Sonata no. IX, e minor, (R.V. 16) arrangement for soprano recorder in c, harpsichord and violoncello
- Concerto Grosso no. VIII in a minor (R.V. 522) arrangement for alto recorder in f and harpsichord
- Sonata in e minor, Stockholm (R.V. 50) voice flute in d, organ and violoncello
- Trio in a minor ( R. V. 86) alto recorder in f, baroque basson, harpsichord and violoncello

Jeremias Schwarzer und Trio Diritto
with Jeremias Schwarzer, Ines Rasbach, Martin Hublow (blockflutes), Egon Mihajlovic (organ)(...)
Andreas Poth (born 1967) | Weltzeit |
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) | O splendidissima |
Thomas Preston (16th century) | La Mi Re |
Christopher Tye (1498-1573) | Sit fast |
Anonymous Atheniensis (2nd century a. C.) | Delphische Hymne |
Anonymus (Scotland, 16th century) | Kyrie |
John Dunstable (about 1380-1453) | Gloria |
Johannes Ciconia (about 1335-1411) | Credo |
Anonymous (Fleury, 14th century) | Sanctus |
Anonymous (Scotland, 16th century) | Agnus Dei |
Igor Strawinsky (1882-1971) | Pièce no. 1 |
Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) | Anchor che col partire |
Guillaume Dufay (about 1400-1474) | Portigaller |
Buxheimer Orgelbuch (15th century) | Portigaller |
Trio Diritto/Jeremias Schwarzer pantha | rei |